
The Major Minors Children’s Choir is an all comers choir for kids based in the Hutt Valley.

Originally formed in 2012 as a ” one-off” children’s choir of un-auditioned primary school aged children to sing as part of a concert with The Hutt Valley Singers.

Without a name started  we ran a competition for the children to name their Choir and design a logo. The competition entries were judged by The Hutt Valley Singers. The best three logos combined and The Major Minors Children’s Choir was officially named.

In 2015, with the choir group and sound expanding, an extension group, The Harmonic Minors was formed to work on more harmonies, more difficult repertoire and to develop and grow the choir member’s skill set.
New members are always welcome and you can also come along to a rehearsal to see how we work and get to know what it’s like before committing,